Fixins' we do revolves around you
We at The Money Fair aim to simplify your finances

The Money Fair by Akiko Global Services Limited
The Money Fair, powered by Akiko Global Services Limited (formerly known as Akiko global services private limited), CIN (U74999DL2018PLC335272) is an algorithm-based technology that platform that gathers and analyses data of individuals from various sources and draws insights to judge their credit worthiness, their past and current performance that helps in ease of comparison of multiple offers available and unbiased advice. This differentiated approach helps to find prospects that are low on risk and high on promise thus opening up various opportunities and possibilities. The Money Fair is scaling - up strategy and service delivery efficiency with new-age tech-enabled agility, it takes the relevant applications to multiple lenders, increasing the chances to secure a loan or a card and creates choice for customers to pick the ones they wish to back. Our expertise is enhanced by using the CRM in our day-to-day operations. All leads are injected & monitored through the customized CRM that is exclusively developed for AKIKO. We also have the capability to integrate with the external CRM or API's which makes us different from others.
Combination of cutting-edge data sciences, technology and credit management, The Money Fair attributes—trust, security and service—as key assets

To advance a work culture that encourages singular development, solidarity and innovation to conquer difficulties and accomplish objectives. To support thoughts, ability and work frame.

Aiming to become the largest assets financing company in the country tomorrow, so we began the smallest dream today.

Akiko as a company value customer trust and integrity, excellence and customer value, fair practices and processes.